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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Asylum Seeker Tees

Disturbing reports today that 150 ethnic Tamils from Sri Lanka, who were approaching Christmas Island when their boat had engine trouble have been intercepted by the Australian Navy and handed over to the Sri Lankan Navy.
While the Australian government refuses to either confirm or deny these reports, if true, this is not only a very clear breach of international law and our obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention but it is also an act of outrageous bastardry from a government that thinks of itself as both Christian and 'liberal.'  
No doubt there will be people who think this is ok, that handing asylum seekers over to the very people they are fleeing is an acceptable part of protecting our borders and some will see this as proof of a strong government but let's be clear people - this is NOT right and it never will be.

Nothing We Could Do Tee Shirt
Nothing We Could Do Tee Shirt by retrofitthefuture
View other Refugee T-Shirts

The video shows the kind of terror that these people were fleeing from and we have (or are about  to) send a couple of hundred people back to Sri Lanka without any due process.

Warning: contains disturbing footage 

No Fire Zone - Trailer from Zoe Sale on Vimeo.

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