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Tuesday 6 May 2014

Ich Liebe Dich - I love You Tee

Kaiser Willhelm (Billy to his friends) was the cousin of King George (England) and Tsar Nicholas (Russia) and you would think that Georgy, Billy and Nicky would be able to ensure peace in Europe but Billy was prone to paranoia and a bit of wierdo (as this painting shows he was the inspiration behind Johnny Depp wearing a bird on his head in the Lone Ranger) In 1914, he thought that Georgy and Nicky and that uppity little French kid were ganging up on him so he encouraged his Austrian mates to invade Serbia to get revenge for some Serbian bullies who had bumped off another guy called Franz who nobody, not even his dad, liked very much. Anyway, Nicky wasn't going to stand by while the Austrians beat up his Serbian chums so he declared war on the Austrians. 

What happened next would be comical if it wasn't true - Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria, Germany declares war on Russia (because they've signed an agreement to help Austria) France and Britain declare war on Germany (because they've signed an agreement to help Russia) 

The next four years (known as World War One or The Great War) lead to over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded soldiers and civilians.

Ich Liebe Dich - I love You Postcards
Ich Liebe Dich - I love You Postcards by retrofitthefuture
More I love you Postcards
Ich Liebe Dich - I love You Coffee Mug
Ich Liebe Dich - I love You Coffee Mug by retrofitthefuture
Create customizable steins at

German is not the first to come to mind when you think of romantic languages but "I Love You" in German is "Ich Liebe Dich" - who could resist?

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