These products come in hundreds of different variations - I post the designs that I like but if you click on the image and follow the link through to Zazzle, you can change product styles and colours, switch between men’s women’s and kid’s and you can even change the background colour of the design. I've posted some instructions on how to do this in the "how to buy from Zazzle" button (above) but I'm also happy to customise my products for you - drop me an e-mail at

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Un-Australian Tee

It used to be the worst insult that one Australian could call another but lately, being 'Australian' has been redefined by the Abbott government to mean; racist, xenophobic, homophobic and misogynistic, a denier of science, faithful to a fault (although Muslims can't be trusted, Jews are still regarded as suspect and Anglicans are well meaning but ultimately misguided) To be truly Australian we should rapturously support big business but especially the billionaire miners (even when it is against our best interests) and we should hate the ‘leaners’ so neatly categorised by our treasurer, Joe Hockey, as the poor, the disabled, the aged, students and anyone else who doesn't pay their way.
Frankly - I think I prefer to be 'Un-Australian'

Un-Australian Trucker Hat

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